Changelog - EN

Changelog -

Dear members

We have many new featues to announce on our new seminar manager version. (Date: August 10th 2021)

Component Seminar Manager 3.3.1:

Feature: option auto-login after registration over booking form

This features is very handy and comes with the version 3.3.1. So users create their account when they fill in a booking form. They are automatically logged in. This makes the booking process much smoother than before.

Feature: the registration user group can now be set in seminar manager

When creating a user account with the registration, administrators can define to which users group the registrant should be assigned to.

- Feature: new course flag "ready to public" which can be set by tutor and notified to admin;

For a better overview, the courses which are set by the tutors, can be marked with a flag. The administrator can then review and publish them. Therewith you have control and see which new courses or seminars are ready to be published.

- Feature: tutor profile frontend edit and approval by admin;

A very powerful features is the possiblity to edit tutor profiles from the frontend and let them approve by a coach. Therewith the tutors don't need to go to the backend. The profiles are published only after approval and you have the  conrol of what is shown on the website.

- Feature: multi language support for a few common fields such as tutor description, course description, course title, category title, description…

We have added a multi-language option for some common fields which gives you great flexibility.

- Feature: custom select field value and text can be defined separately;

This option enables you to define the values of textfields separatedly.

- Feature: new booking rules for each course;

In the new version, you can define booking rules according to user groups. For instance, allow only users who have already attended a precedent course. Give them some priveleges and make sure that they can get a place before you open the applications to everybody else.

- Feature: send notification email to component email address while cancelling an application (booking) via frontend;

Notify the administrator or the person to be informed when  someone cancels a booking.

- Feature: hide price selection in booking form optionally if a course has only price free option;

You now have the freedom of hiding price selections or show group specific prices - as you wish.

- Feature: system plugin to update course public state;


- Feature: course points in certificate, invoice and attendee list;

You can now assign points to a participant and show them in the certificate, the invoice or the attendee's list.

- Feature: cancellation invoice generator;

In our new version, we have added a generator for cancelled bookings. Therfore, you can create an invoice with a cancelled position on it. That is very handy for confirming the cancelled booking for bookkeeping purposes.

- Feature: added "created datetime" to application table;

You  can show the date created attribute in the applcation table. Therewith you can order them according to their applcation.

- Feature: created / modified can be viewed in application detail page;

You can show the logs of modificataions in the application detail page.

- Feature: plugin interface for password protected downloads in course.

Allow to download specific documents to your applicants with after entering a password. With this password protected feature you have a perfect option save your files in the course and show it only to the right users.

- Enhancement: common payment api enhanced for payment gateway stripe.

You now can pay with all stripe payment posssiblities - no matter if credit card, etc.

Your payments will be charged immediately and the bookings is set to paid. There is no need to check your bank account manually and set them to paid.

- Bugfix: the CC field in the booking form didn't work;

We fixed some issues with the CC field option to send a copy of your payments.

- Bugfix: custom upload field didn't work in tutor and application backend;

We fixed the custom file upload field in the tutors backend detail view. Now you can upload any kind of documents like cv's, certificates or anything else.

- Bugfix: tutor rights settings didn't work on the courses overview page in backend;

We fixed the tutors right settings.

- Bugfix: course & tutor image path conflict with JCE file browser;

There was a conflict with the JCE editor and we fixed it.

- Bugfix: wrong vat hint by interested party without vat; 

We fixed the wrong vat hint and it works now.

- Bugfix: some PHP 7.4 fixes.

There were soe issues with PHP 7.4 and we fixed them.

Module Upcoming Events 1.3.7:

Feature: show sessions in the upcoming courses optionally

We developed a new module that shows sessions in upcomping courses.

Feature: optionally hide courses without session

We added an option to hide courses without sessions.

Feature: new layout option for bootstrap carousel

We added a new layout to show tutors in a caroussel slide set.

Feature: new option "force joomla landing page id"

We added an option to enter and forward to a specific landing page id.

Module Calendar 1.3.3:

Enhancement: tooltip layout

We improved the the tooltip layout.


- Bugfix: tooltip issues with bootstrap 3.4.1+
We fixed some issues with bootstrap 3.4.1+.

- Bugfix: fixes for Joomla template coming with jQuery 3.x without jQuery Migrate for 1.x.
We fixed some template issues coming from jQuery 3.x and much more.

Plugin Manual Booking 3.0.3:

Feature: create cancellation invoice

There is now the possibility to create cancellation invoices.

Plugin SMANLibs 1.0.4

- updated TCPDF and other external PHP libraries for PHP 7.3 and 7.4.
We updated the TCPDF and other external PHP libraries for PHP 7.3 and 7.4.


  • eLounge
  • Kanton Zürich
  • Pensionskasse SBB


  • eLounge
  • Kanton Zürich
  • Pensionskasse SBB


  • eLounge
  • Kanton Zürich
  • Pensionskasse SBB

Bederstrasse 77, 8002 Zürich
+41 44 586 00 18

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