#4 – edit filter- and search engine

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Montag, 06. Juli 2020 22:17 CEST
in the seminar manager there are two different filter / search engines. is there any opportunity to put them together in one ?
furthermore i wanted to know if i can edit the filter methods, which means if i can hide the date selection for example ?

thank you for paying attention to my troubles.

kind regards
Ben Damerow
Dienstag, 07. Juli 2020 10:10 CEST

can you provide more details about your question? Do you mean the search / filter fields in frontend course table or backend? Currently the search and filter fields DO the sql request with "AND", that is, they are pratically one request.

Which date selection do you mean? But generally there is no option to modify the filter methode. The customization has to be done with individual programming in the core.
Dienstag, 07. Juli 2020 11:15 CEST
thank you for your answer.
i mean the filter / search engine in the frontend where you search for courses.
it's necessary for me to filter my courses without a search field, but with a selection component. There is no way to combine the module "mod_seminarman_search" with the enabled search option in the category list view in the component area ?
Dienstag, 07. Juli 2020 11:17 CEST
Dienstag, 07. Juli 2020 11:57 CEST
Hi, the module search communicates with a quite different MVC (model-view-control) named "List" than the category, so I don't see an easy way to combine the both. For your goal the easiest way is to extend the filter area in the course table in the component, but for that a customization in the core will be required.
Dienstag, 07. Juli 2020 12:05 CEST
ok, do you have any idea how to customize it ?
the only thing i've edited in the core was the language files to rename some titles.


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